
With Rye, you can supercharge your dropshipping platform, providing seamless experiences for both sellers and buyers. Here’s how:

Expanded product catalog

Instantly access over 500 million products from leading suppliers, diversifying your inventory and appealing to a broader range of customers.

Ordering that 'just works'

A Rye integration means no more banned accounts or unreliable scrapers. Our supplier relationships mean every checkout is a success.

Real-time data

Webhooks send information about tracking, returns, refunds, and payments to your systems in real time so you always know what’s happening.

Empower your dropshipping platform with Rye and unlock new possibilities for growth and success. Whether you’re looking to expand your product catalog, streamline operations, or enhance the customer experience, Rye has you covered.

Supported supplier marketplaces

Rye seamlessly integrates with major online marketplaces, allowing your platform to offer high quality products from trusted sources that shoppers actually want.




Integrating Rye into your dropshipping platform is quick and easy. Our comprehensive documentation and developer support ensure a smooth implementation process.

Dropshipping integrations can be developed end-to-end in under a week. For integration support, join our Slack channel or reach out at

Before you get started, make sure to log in or register for a Rye account on the Rye console.