Understand Error Responses

When an input validation error occurs, our API will return a response with specific error messages and codes. These error responses will help you identify the nature of the issue in your data.

Validation error example
    "errors": [
            "message": "ArgumentValidationError",
            "locations": [
                    "line": 2,
                    "column": 5
            "path": [
            "extensions": {
                "code": "BAD_USER_INPUT",
                "exception": {
                    "validationErrors": [
                            "field": [
                            "constraints": [
                                "firstName must be longer than or equal to 1 characters"
                            "value": ""
    "data": null

Extract and Display Errors

Extracting errors
// Auxiliary interfaces for strict typings

// This structure is returned by Rye API inside extensions field of a standard GQL error
interface GqlException {
  validationErrors: ValidationError[];

// All Rye API input validation errors have this structure
interface ValidationError {
  // Original value of an invalid field
  value: any;
  // Name of the invalid field including names of all parent nodes
  field: string[];
  // An array of failing constrains that describe validation errors
  constraints: string[];

// Example of client side errors structure
// Element id can be used as a key. Value is a list of constrains/error messages for the element
interface UserErrors {
  [elementId: string]: string[];

// Store validation errors in dictionary
const [errors, setErrors] = useState<UserErrors>({});

// Error handling example
// Here we try to update shipping address by calling updateCartBuyerIdentity mutation
const updateShippingInfo = async () => {
    const input: UpdateBuyerIdentityInput = {
      buyerIdentity: {
    try {
      await updateCartBuyerIdentity({ variables: { input } });
    } catch (e) {
      // Make sure the error is an instance of ApolloError
      if (e instanceof ApolloError) {
        // Get GQL specific errors
        const gqlErrors = e.graphQLErrors;
        for (const gqlError of gqlErrors) {
          const code = gqlError.extensions.code as string;
          // Check that error is related to invalid user input
          if (code === 'BAD_USER_INPUT') {
            const userErrors: UserErrors = {};
            // Extract validaiton errors from root error object
            const validationErrors = (gqlError.extensions.exception as GqlException)

            // Once errors are extracted we can decide how to show them to user
            for (const validationErr of validationErrors) {
              // Use a full path to the filed as a field identifier
              const elementId = validationErr.field.join('.');
              userErrors[elementId] = validationErr.constraints;

            // Set errors to display to a user

// Example of an input field that is used to enter buyer name
onChange={(e) => setName(e.target.value)}
error={errors["buyerIdentity.firstName"]?.length > 0}// <<<<-------- Check for errors
helperText={errors["buyerIdentity.firstName"]} // <<<<-------- Show error messages