Webhook taxonomy

  "id": "hg9b8xyc-a128-4659-9c84-e3b376607977",
  "requestId": "d222c412-fbc8-4e59-8cef-b57696bxyz11",
  "developerId": "xDasf23Jk4LKlxOq",
  "createdAt": "2023-06-27T12:00:00Z",
  "data": {
    "marketplace": "shopify",
    "amount": 100

Note: You should interpret the PRODUCT_UPDATED webhook as an upsert, as Rye currently does not send a separate event for when products are first created inside our system. This behavior is likely to change in future, as firing a separate PRODUCT_CREATED event is on our roadmap.

Product related webhooks are fired when our product catalog is updated. Subscriptions are created for your account when you request a product or store to be tracked by the Sell Anything API.

The product field in the webhook payload comes in a similar format to the response of the productByID query.

  "id": "ffd4ee63-b911-48a2-84fe-8ba445746b0b",
  "developerId": "xDasf23Jk4LKlxOq",
  "createdAt": "2024-03-22T23:57:48.009Z",
  "type": "PRODUCT_UPDATED",
  "marketplace": "amazon",
  "data": {
    "product": {
      "id": "B00A2KD8NY",
      "title": "OXO Good Grips 3-in-1 Egg Separator, White/Yellow 1 Count (Pack of 1)",
      "url": "https://www.amazon.com/OXO-Good-Grips-Separator-White/dp/B00A2KD8NY",
      "vendor": "OXO",
      // ...
  "id": "hg9b8xyc-a128-4659-9c84-e3b376607977",
  "requestId": "d222c412-fbc8-4e59-8cef-b57696bxyz11",
  "developerId": "xDasf23Jk4LKlxOq",
  "createdAt": "2023-06-27T12:00:03Z",
  "data": {
    "marketplace": "shopify"
  "id": "hg9b8xyc-a128-4659-9c84-e3b376607977",
  "requestId": "d222c412-fbc8-4e59-8cef-b57696bxyz11",
  "developerId": "xDasf23Jk4LKlxOq",
  "createdAt": "2023-06-27T12:00:03Z",
  "data": {
    "marketplace": "amazon",
    "startedAt": "2023-09-07T17:49:07.267Z"
  "id": "hg9b8xyc-a128-4659-9c84-e3b376607977",
  "requestId": "d222c412-fbc8-4e59-8cef-b57696bxyz11",
  "developerId": "xDasf23Jk4LKlxOq",
  "createdAt": "2023-06-27T12:00:06Z",
  "type": "ORDER_PLACED",
  "data": {
    "marketplace": "shopify",
    "order": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "shippingCents": 500,
      "subtotalCents": 2000,
      "taxCents": 200,
      "totalCents": 2700,
      "orderEmailOverride": "[[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)"
  "id": "hg9b8xyc-a128-4659-9c84-e3b376607977",
  "requestId": "d222c412-fbc8-4e59-8cef-b57696bxyz11",
  "developerId": "xDasf23Jk4LKlxOq",
  "createdAt": "2023-06-27T12:00:09Z",
  "data": {
    "marketplace": "shopify",
    "order": {
      "fulfillments": [
          "products": [
              "quantity": 1,
              "variantId": "41160207204557"
          "trackingDetails": [
              "trackingNumber": "1Z87F765679738",
              "courierUrl": "https://www.ups.com/WebTracking?loc=en_US&requester=ST&trackNums=1Z87F765679738",
              "courierName": "UPS"
  "id": "hg9b8xyc-a128-4659-9c84-e3b376607977",
  "requestId": "d222c412-fbc8-4e59-8cef-b57696bxyz11",
  "developerId": "xDasf23Jk4LKlxOq",
  "createdAt": "2023-06-27T12:00:09Z",
  "data": {
    "marketplace": "shopify",
    "returnId": "123456",
    "requestedAt": "2023-06-27T12:00:09Z",
    "requestedLineItems": [
        "variantId": "123456"
  "id": "hg9b8xyc-a128-4659-9c84-e3b376607977",
  "requestId": "d222c412-fbc8-4e59-8cef-b57696bxyz11",
  "developerId": "xDasf23Jk4LKlxOq",
  "createdAt": "2023-06-27T12:00:09Z",
  "data": {
    "marketplace": "amazon",
    "returnId": "123456",
    "requestedAt": "2023-06-27T12:00:09Z",
    "requestedLineItems": [
        "productId": "123456",
        "status": "RETURN_REQUESTED",
  "id": "hg9b8xyc-a128-4659-9c84-e3b376607977",
  "developerId": "xDasf23Jk4LKlxOq",
  "createdAt": "2023-06-27T12:00:09Z",
  "data": {
    "shopDomain": "rye.myshopify.com",

Webhook types

The webhook body is JSON formatted. If your project is Typescript based you can use these types.

 * How public events are represented on data transfer
export type RyeWebhook = PaymentSucceededWebhook | PaymentFailedWebhook | PaymentRefundedWebhook | OrderSubmissionStartedWebhook | OrderSubmissionSucceededWebhook | OrderPlacedWebhook | OrderFailedWebhook | PublicOrderCancelledWebhook | PublicOrderCancelFailedWebhook | PublicOrderCancelStartedWebhook | PublicOrderCancelRequestedWebhook | ReturnApprovedWebhook | ReturnDeniedWebhook | ReturnCancelledWebhook | ReturnRequestedWebhook | ReturnRequestAcceptedWebhook | ReturnClosedWebhook | TrackingObtainedWebhook;
export type PaymentSucceededWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.PaymentSucceeded;
    data: {
        marketplace: Marketplace;
        amount: number;
export type BaseWebhook = {
    // Unique identifier for the event
    id: string;
    // Unique ID of the request. This is used to group events together.
    requestId: string;
    // ID of developer who initiated the request
    developerId: string;
    // Creation time of the event
    createdAt: string;
export type Marketplace = AmazonMarketplace | ShopifyMarketplace;
export enum WebhookType {
    PaymentSucceeded = 'PAYMENT_SUCCEEDED',
    PaymentFailed = 'PAYMENT_FAILED',
    PaymentRefunded = 'PAYMENT_REFUNDED',
    OrderSubmissionStarted = 'ORDER_SUBMISSION_STARTED',
    OrderSubmissionSucceeded = 'ORDER_SUBMISSION_SUCCEEDED',
    OrderPlaced = 'ORDER_PLACED',
    OrderFailed = 'ORDER_FAILED',
    OrderCancelFailed = 'ORDER_CANCEL_FAILED',
    OrderCancelStarted = 'ORDER_CANCEL_STARTED',
    OrderCancelRequested = 'ORDER_CANCEL_REQUESTED',
    OrderCancelSucceeded = 'ORDER_CANCEL_SUCCEEDED',
    TrackingObtained = 'TRACKING_OBTAINED',
    ReturnRequested = 'RETURN_REQUESTED',
    ReturnRequestAccepted = 'RETURN_REQUEST_ACCEPTED',
    ReturnApproved = 'RETURN_APPROVED',
    ReturnClosed = 'RETURN_CLOSED',
    ReturnDenied = 'RETURN_DENIED',
    ReturnCancelled = 'RETURN_CANCELLED'
export type PaymentFailedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.PaymentFailed;
    data: {
        marketplace: Marketplace;
export type PaymentRefundedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.PaymentRefunded;
    data: Record<string, never>;
export type OrderSubmissionStartedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.OrderSubmissionStarted;
    data: {
        marketplace: Marketplace;
export type OrderSubmissionSucceededWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.OrderSubmissionSucceeded;
    data: {
        marketplace: Marketplace;
export type OrderPlacedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.OrderPlaced;
    data: AmazonOrderPlacedData | ShopifyOrderPlacedData;
type AmazonOrderPlacedData = {
    marketplace: AmazonMarketplace;
    order: BasePlacedOrderDetails & {
        amazonOrders: Pick<BaseAmazonOrder, 'amazonOrderId' | 'products'>[];
export type AmazonMarketplace = 'amazon';
export type BasePlacedOrderDetails = {
    currency: string;
    shippingCents: number;
    subtotalCents: number;
    taxCents: number;
    totalCents: number;
    discountCents: number;
export type BaseAmazonOrder = {
    amazonOrderId: string;
    // returnDetails?: {
    //   status:
    //     | EventType.ReturnRequested
    //     | EventType.ReturnRequestAccepted
    //     | EventType.ReturnApproved
    //     | EventType.ReturnDenied
    //     | EventType.ReturnClosed;
    //   date: Timestamp;
    //   reason?: string; //use this for failed status
    //   requestedLineItems?: AmazonReturnLineItem[];
    //   refundedLineItems?: AmazonReturnLineItem[];
    // };
    cancellation?: {
        status: WebhookType.OrderCancelFailed | WebhookType.OrderCancelSucceeded | WebhookType.OrderCancelStarted | WebhookType.OrderCancelRequested;
        isManuallyCancelled?: boolean;
        isOrderFailure?: boolean;
        date: string;
        reason?: string; //use this for failed status
    products: AmazonOrderRequestProduct[];
export type AmazonOrderRequestProduct = {
    quantity: number;
    productId: string;
    price?: AmazonProductPrice;
    amazonBusinessPrice?: AmazonProductPrice | null;
export type AmazonProductPrice = {
    value: number;
    currencyCode: string;
type ShopifyOrderPlacedData = {
    marketplace: ShopifyMarketplace;
    order: BasePlacedOrderDetails & {
    orderEmailOverride?: string;
export type ShopifyMarketplace = 'shopify';
export type OrderFailedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.OrderFailed;
    data: {
        marketplace: Marketplace;
        refund?: StripeRefund;
        reasonCode?: OrderFailedReasonCode;
        reason?: string;
type StripeRefund = {
     * Unique identifier for the object.
    id: string;
     * String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
    object: 'refund';
     * Amount, in %s.
    amount: number;
     * Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
    created: number;
     * Three-letter [ISO currency code](https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html), in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](https://stripe.com/docs/currencies).
    currency: string;
     * An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. (Available on non-card refunds only)
    description?: string;
     * This is the transaction number that appears on email receipts sent for this refund.
    receipt_number: string | null;
     * Status of the refund. For credit card refunds, this can be `pending`, `succeeded`, or `failed`. For other types of refunds, it can be `pending`, `requires_action`, `succeeded`, `failed`, or `canceled`. Refer to our [refunds](https://stripe.com/docs/refunds#failed-refunds) documentation for more details.
    status: string | null;
export type PublicOrderCancelledWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.OrderCancelSucceeded;
    data: {
        marketplace: Marketplace;
        cancelledAt: string;
        refund?: StripeRefund;
export type PublicOrderCancelFailedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.OrderCancelFailed;
    data: {
        marketplace: Marketplace;
        reason: string;
export type PublicOrderCancelStartedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.OrderCancelStarted;
    data: {
        marketplace: Marketplace;
        startedAt: string;
export type PublicOrderCancelRequestedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.OrderCancelRequested;
    data: {
        marketplace: Marketplace;
        requestedAt: string;
        marketplaceOrderId: string;
export type ReturnApprovedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.ReturnApproved;
    data: AmazonReturnApprovedWebhookData | ShopifyReturnApprovedWebhookData;
export type AmazonReturnApprovedWebhookData = BaseReturnApprovedWebhookData & {
    marketplace: AmazonMarketplace;
    requestedLineItems: AmazonReturnLineItem[];
    returnId: string;
    shippingLabelUrl: string;
    refund: RefundBreakdown;
export type BaseReturnApprovedWebhookData = {
    approvedAt: string;
    returnId: string;
    shippingLabelUrl: string;
export type AmazonReturnLineItem = BaseReturnLineItem & {
    productId: string;
    status: LineItemReturnStatus;
    price?: AmazonProductPrice;
export type BaseReturnLineItem = {
    quantity: number;
    reason?: string;
    productName?: string;
    productImageUrl?: string;
    refundAmount?: number;
export type LineItemReturnStatus = WebhookType.ReturnRequested | WebhookType.ReturnRequestAccepted | WebhookType.ReturnApproved | WebhookType.ReturnClosed | WebhookType.ReturnDenied | WebhookType.ReturnCancelled;
export type RefundBreakdown = {
    subtotalCents: number;
    taxCents: number;
    totalCents: number;
    currencyCode: string;
export type ShopifyReturnApprovedWebhookData = BaseReturnApprovedWebhookData & {
    marketplace: ShopifyMarketplace;
    requestedLineItems: ShopifyReturnLineItem[];
    returnId: string;
    shippingLabelUrl: string;
    refundAmount: number;
export type ShopifyReturnLineItem = BaseReturnLineItem & {
    variantId: string;
    price: string;
    currencyCode: string;
    status: LineItemReturnStatus;
export type ReturnDeniedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.ReturnDenied;
    data: AmazonReturnDeniedWebhookData | ShopifyReturnDeniedWebhookData;
export type AmazonReturnDeniedWebhookData = BaseReturnDeniedWebhookData & {
    marketplace: AmazonMarketplace;
    requestedLineItems: AmazonReturnLineItem[];
    returnId: string;
export type BaseReturnDeniedWebhookData = {
    deniedAt: string;
    returnId: string;
export type ShopifyReturnDeniedWebhookData = BaseReturnDeniedWebhookData & {
    marketplace: ShopifyMarketplace;
    requestedLineItems: ShopifyReturnLineItem[];
    returnId: string;
export type ReturnCancelledWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.ReturnCancelled;
    data: {
        marketplace: Marketplace;
        returnId: string;
        cancelledAt: string;
export type ReturnRequestedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.ReturnRequested;
    data: AmazonReturnRequestedWebhookData | ShopifyReturnRequestedWebhookData;
export type AmazonReturnRequestedWebhookData = BaseReturnRequestedWebhookData & {
    marketplace: AmazonMarketplace;
    requestedLineItems: AmazonReturnLineItem[];
    returnId: string;
export type BaseReturnRequestedWebhookData = {
    requestedAt: string;
    returnId: string;
export type ShopifyReturnRequestedWebhookData = BaseReturnRequestedWebhookData & {
    marketplace: ShopifyMarketplace;
    requestedLineItems: ShopifyReturnLineItem[];
    returnId: string;
export type ReturnRequestAcceptedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.ReturnRequestAccepted;
    data: AmazonReturnRequestAcceptedWebhookData | ShopifyReturnRequestAcceptedWebhookData;
export type AmazonReturnRequestAcceptedWebhookData = BaseReturnRequestAcceptedWebhookData & {
    marketplace: AmazonMarketplace;
    acceptedAt: string;
    returnId: string;
export type BaseReturnRequestAcceptedWebhookData = {
    acceptedAt: string;
    returnId: string;
export type ShopifyReturnRequestAcceptedWebhookData = BaseReturnRequestAcceptedWebhookData & {
    marketplace: ShopifyMarketplace;
    acceptedAt: string;
export type ReturnClosedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.ReturnClosed;
    data: AmazonReturnClosedWebhookData | ShopifyReturnClosedWebhookData;
export type AmazonReturnClosedWebhookData = BaseReturnClosedWebhookData & {
    marketplace: AmazonMarketplace;
    refundedLineItems: AmazonReturnLineItem[];
    returnId: string;
export type BaseReturnClosedWebhookData = {
    closedAt: string;
    returnId: string;
export type ShopifyReturnClosedWebhookData = BaseReturnClosedWebhookData & {
    marketplace: ShopifyMarketplace;
    refundedLineItems: ShopifyReturnLineItem[];
    returnId: string;
export type TrackingObtainedWebhook = BaseWebhook & {
    type: WebhookType.TrackingObtained;
    data: AmazonTrackingObtainedData | ShopifyTrackingObtainedData;
type AmazonTrackingObtainedData = {
    marketplace: AmazonMarketplace;
    order: BasePlacedOrderDetails & {
        amazonOrders: AmazonOrderWithTrackingObtained[];
type AmazonOrderWithTrackingObtained = Pick<BaseAmazonOrder, 'amazonOrderId' | 'products'> & {
    shipments?: AmazonShipment[];
/** The shipment sent to the customer. */
export type AmazonShipment = {
     * Date when the item was shipped.
     * @format Firestore Timestamp
    shipmentDate: string;
    /** The current status of the shipment. */
    shipmentStatus: 'SHIPPED' | null;
    /** The tracking number from the shipment carrier. */
    carrierTracking: string | null;
    /** The delivery status and estimated delivery date. */
    deliveryInformation: DeliveryInformation;
    /** The total number of items for shipping. */
    shipmentQuantity: number;
    /** The name of the shipment carrier. */
    carrierName: string;
    /** Tracking url for the shipment carrier */
    carrierTrackingUrl: string;
/** The delivery status and estimated delivery date. */
export type DeliveryInformation = {
     * The expected delivery date of the shipment.
     * @format Firestore Timestamp
    expectedDeliveryDate: string;
    /** The current delivery status of the shipment. */
    deliveryStatus: 'DELIVERED' | 'NOT_DELIVERED' | 'NOT_AVAILABLE';
export type ShopifyTrackingObtainedData = {
    marketplace?: ShopifyMarketplace;
    order: {
        fulfillments: BaseShopifyOrderFulfillment[];
export type BaseShopifyOrderFulfillment = {
    products: ShopifyOrderRequestProduct[];
    trackingDetails: TrackedOrderDetails[];
export type ShopifyOrderRequestProduct = {
    quantity: number;
    variantId: string;
export type TrackedOrderDetails = {
    trackingNumber: string;
    courierUrl: string;
    courierName: string;
export type PublicProductWebhook = AmazonProductUpdatedWebhook | ShopifyProductUpdatedWebhook | ShopifyProductDeletedWebhook | LegacyShopifyProductUpdatedWebhook;
export type AmazonProductUpdatedWebhook = BaseProductWebhook & {
    type: ProductEventType.ProductUpdated;
    marketplace: AmazonMarketplace;
    data: {
        product: TypedGqlAmazonProduct;
export type BaseProductWebhook = {
    /** Unique identifier for the event */
    id: string;
    /** ID of developer to be notified */
    developerId: string;
    /** Creation time of the event */
    createdAt: string;
export type TypedGqlAmazonProduct = AmazonProduct & {
    __typename: 'AmazonProduct';
export type ShopifyProductUpdatedWebhook = BaseProductWebhook & {
    type: ProductEventType.ProductUpdated;
    marketplace: ShopifyMarketplace;
    data: {
        product: TypedGqlShopifyProduct;
export type TypedGqlShopifyProduct = ShopifyProduct & {
    __typename: 'ShopifyProduct';
export type ShopifyProductDeletedWebhook = BaseProductWebhook & {
    type: ShopifyProductWebhookType.ShopifyProductDeleted;
    data: {
        marketplace: ShopifyMarketplace;
        productId: string;
// Represents the types of events related to a Shopify app.
export enum ShopifyProductWebhookType {
    ShopifyProductUpdated = 'SHOPIFY_PRODUCT_UPDATED',
    ShopifyProductDeleted = 'SHOPIFY_PRODUCT_DELETED'
 * @deprecated Prefer using the API-specific events instead.
export type LegacyShopifyProductUpdatedWebhook = BaseProductWebhook & {
    type: ShopifyProductWebhookType.ShopifyProductUpdated;
     * Canonical store domain event comes from
     * @example 'my-cool-store.myshopify.com'
    storeDomain: string;
    data: {
        marketplace: ShopifyMarketplace;
        product: ShopifyProductData;
export type ShopifyProductData = SnakeToCamelCaseObject<Omit<LegacyShopifyProduct, '_id'>>;
export type LegacyShopifyProduct = {
    _id: string;
    store_canonical_url: string;
    request_domain: string;
    currencyCode?: string;
    date_updated?: string;
    id: number;
    title: string;
    handle: string;
    description: string;
    description_text?: string;
    published_at: string;
    created_at: string;
    vendor: string;
    type: string;
    tags: string[];
    price: number;
    price_min: number;
    price_max: number;
    available: boolean;
    price_varies: boolean;
    compare_at_price?: number;
    compare_at_price_min?: number;
    compare_at_price_max?: number;
    compare_at_price_varies: boolean;
    variants: Variant[];
    images: string[];
    featured_image: string;
    options: Option[];
    url: string;
    media: Media[];
    requires_selling_plan: boolean;
    selling_plan_groups: SellingPlanGroup[];
export type Variant = {
    id: number;
    title: string;
    option1?: string | null;
    option2?: string | null;
    option3?: string | null;
    sku: string;
    requires_shipping: boolean;
    taxable: boolean;
    featured_image?: VariantFeaturedImage;
    featured_media?: Media;
    available: boolean;
    name: string;
    public_title: string;
    options: string[];
    price: number;
    weight: number;
    compare_at_price?: number;
    inventory_quantity: number;
    inventory_management: string;
    inventory_policy: string;
    barcode: string;
    requires_selling_plan: boolean;
    selling_plan_allocations: SellingPlanAllocation[];
type VariantFeaturedImage = {
    id: number;
    product_id: number;
    position: number;
    created_at: string;
    updated_at: string;
    alt?: string;
    width: number;
    height: number;
    src: string;
    variant_ids: number[];
type Media = {
    alt?: string;
    id: number;
    position: number;
    preview_image: Previewimage;
    aspect_ratio: number | null;
    height: number;
    media_type: string;
    src: string;
    width: number;
type Previewimage = {
    aspect_ratio: number | null;
    height: number;
    width: number;
    src: string;
type SellingPlanAllocation = {
    price_adjustments: PriceAdjustment[];
    price: number;
    compare_at_price: number;
    per_delivery_price: number;
    selling_plan_id: number;
    selling_plan_group_id: string;
type PriceAdjustment = {
    position: number;
    price: number;
type Option = {
    name: string;
    position: number;
    values: string[];
type SellingPlanGroup = {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    options: SellingPlanGroupOption[];
    selling_plans: SellingPlan[];
    app_id: string;
type SellingPlanGroupOption = {
    name: string;
    position: number;
    values: string[];
type SellingPlan = {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    description?: string;
    options: SellingPlanOption[];
    recurring_deliveries: boolean;
    price_adjustments: SellingPlanPriceaAjustment[];
type SellingPlanOption = {
    name: string;
    position: number;
    value: string;
type SellingPlanPriceaAjustment = {
    order_count?: number;
    position: number;
    value_type: string;
    value: number;
export enum ProductEventType {
    ProductUpdated = 'PRODUCT_UPDATED'
export type SnakeToCamelCase<S extends string> = S extends `${infer Head}_${infer Tail}` ? `${Lowercase<Head>}${Capitalize<SnakeToCamelCase<Tail>>}` : S;
export type SnakeToCamelCaseObject<T> = {
    [K in keyof T as SnakeToCamelCase<K & string>]: T[K] extends object ? SnakeToCamelCaseObject<T[K]> : T[K];
export type PublicUserWebhook = ShopifyAppConnectedWebhook | ShopifyAppDisconnectedWebhook;
export type ShopifyAppConnectedWebhook = BaseUserWebhook & {
    type: ShopifyAppEventType.ShopifyAppConnected;
    data: {
        shopDomain: string;
export type BaseUserWebhook = {
    // Unique identifier for the event
    id: string;
    // ID of developer to be notified
    developerId: string;
    // Creation time of the event
    createdAt: string;
// Represents the types of events related to a Shopify app.
export enum ShopifyAppEventType {
    ShopifyAppConnected = 'SHOPIFY_APP_CONNECTED',
    ShopifyAppDisconnected = 'SHOPIFY_APP_DISCONNECTED'
export type ShopifyAppDisconnectedWebhook = BaseUserWebhook & {
    type: ShopifyAppEventType.ShopifyAppDisconnected;
    data: {
        shopDomain: string;

export interface AmazonProduct {
    id: string;
    marketplace: 'AMAZON' | 'SHOPIFY';
    title: string;
    description: string;
    vendor: string;
    url: any;
    price?: { value: any; currency: any; displayValue: any; };
    amazonBusinessPrice?: { value: any; currency: any; displayValue: any; };
    isAvailable: boolean;
    tags: string[];
    images: Array<{ url: any; }>;
    variants: Array<{ title: any; image: any; }>;
    ASIN: string;
    titleExcludingVariantName: string;
    featureBullets: string[];
    parentID?: string;
    protectionPlans: Array<{ id: any; title: any; price: any; }>;
    categories: Array<{ name: any; url: any; categoryID: any; }>;
    ratingsTotal: number;
    reviewsTotal: number;
    subtitle?: { text: any; url: any; };
    videos: Array<{ durationSeconds: any; width: any; height: any; url: any; thumbnailURL: any; title: any; }>;
    specifications: Array<{ name: any; value: any; }>;
    color?: string;
    manufacturer?: string;
    weight?: string;
    firstAvailable?: any;
    dimensions?: string;
    modelNumber?: string;

export interface ShopifyProduct {
    id: string;
    marketplace: 'AMAZON' | 'SHOPIFY';
    title: string;
    description: string;
    vendor: string;
    url: any;
    price?: { value: any; currency: any; displayValue: any; };
    isAvailable: boolean;
    tags: string[];
    images: Array<{ url: any; }>;
    variants: Array<{ title: any; image: any; }>;
    descriptionHTML: string;
    collectionHandle: string;
    handle: string;
    maxPrice: number;
    minPrice: number;
    productType: string;
    createdAt: any;
    publishedAt: any;
    storeCanonicalURL: any;
    storeDomain: string;
    options?: Array<{ name: any; position: any; values?: any; }>;