Please ensure that you are using the Staging environment to place test orders.

Placing your first test order

To test your Rye integration, you can place test orders for Amazon and Shopify products. Read more about what products can be tested below.

Be sure to only use test credit cards when placing test orders. If you use a real credit card, Rye can’t guarantee that the card won’t be charged.

To place a test order, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a cart with the Amazon productId or the Shopify variantId
    • If you don’t have a product handy for testing, then refer to the previous section for sample products to test with.
  2. Update buyer identity for the cart if you did not include one during cart creation
  3. Create a Spreedly payment token with the following credit card information:
    • Credit Card Name: Any first name and last name (Ex: John Doe)
    • Credit Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242 or any other valid test credit card
    • CVV: Any 3 digits
    • Expiration Date: Any date in the future
  4. Submit the cart

Now that you’ve successfully placed a test order, you can test out order updates via your webhook integration or view order details in the Rye Console.

Testing different flows

Rye’s staging environment supports any valid test card. Both Spreedly and Stripe provide a list of test card numbers that can be used for testing, and different test cards can be used to test different order flows. A polished Rye integration should be capable of handling as many different flows and edge cases as possible to ensure a seamless experience for shoppers.

For instance, the Stripe test card 4000 0027 6000 3184 is one of many test cards that can be used to test 3D Secure authentication flows.



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