There are two scenarios to focus on based on what you want the user to be able to do.

Checkout only one item at once

  • Start identifying which products come from Rye and which products already exist in your current database
  • For products that come from Rye, adjust your checkout flow to ask for additional information that is required by Rye to perform a successful checkout.

Checkout multiple items at once

There are three cases to deal regarding:

  • Only Rye products in a cart:
    • Adjust your checkout flow to ask for additional information that is required by Rye to perform a successful checkout.
  • Only your products in a cart:
    • Continue with your existing flow.
  • Mix of Rye and your products in a cart:
    • Collect all information that is required by Rye.
    • When customer shipping address is added, give user the ability to select a shipping method for Rye items.
    • During the payment step, complete the payment for Rye items via Rye Pay or submitCart and use the same payment token / Spreedly token to complete the payment for items from your database.

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