Input that allows developers to specify a percentage to increase the price of a cart line item by.
Percentage to increase the price of this cart line item by. The value must be within the 0-50 range. For example, providing a value of 30 increases the subtotal by an additional 30%, effectively applying a 30% markup.
- If this field is not provided, we use the margin that is specified in your Rye account on Rye console
- If the percentage is 0, we do not apply the default margin specified in your Rye account.
- If the percentage is in the range of 0 - 50, the margin will only be applied for the cart line item the percentage is specified for and the default margin specified in your account will be ignored.
- If you have multiple cart lines and the percentage is applied for only a select few cart lines, then the selected cart lines will use the adjusted price percentage and the remaining will use the default margin specified in your account.
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