Valid values

BILLING_ADDRESS_INVALID_POSTAL_CODE — Payment for the order failed, as the postal code provided for the billing address did not match the postal code on file for the payment method.

CANCELED — The order was canceled and will not be fulfilled.

DENIED_BY_MARKETPLACE — The underlying marketplace denied the order, and it did not place.

This can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, Amazon has quantity limits on some products.

ENVIRONMENT_MISMATCH — You used a test mode card on a live store, or vice versa.

INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS — The provided payment method did not have enough funds to cover the cost of the order.

INTERNAL_ERROR — An internal error occurred when trying to place the order.

INVALID_REQUEST — Something went wrong when attempting to place the order.

MERCHANT_CONFIGURATION — The merchant has an issue with their configuration that prevents the order from being placed.

Communicate with the merchant to resolve the issue.

OUT_OF_STOCK — The order could not be placed as some item(s) in the order were out of stock.

PAYMENT_DECLINED — Charging the payment method resulted in a decline. For example, the card could be locked.

PAYMENT_DISHONORED — The payment method issuer dishonored the payment. This generally indicates that the issuer believes the transaction was fraudulent; you should work with your shopper to communicate with their issuer (usually their bank) to resolve the issue.

PAYMENT_FAILED — Charging the provided payment method failed.

PAYMENT_INVALID — Something was wrong about the payment method provided (e.g. expired, or invalid CVC).

PAYMENT_UNSUPPORTED — The provided payment method isn’t supported by this store (e.g. an American Express card was provided, but the merchant won’t accept American Express).

SHIPPING_ADDRESS_BLACKLISTED — The merchant refuses to ship to the provided shipping address.

SHIPPING_ADDRESS_UNAVAILABLE — The merchant can’t ship the order to the provided shipping address.

SHIPPING_METHOD_EXPIRED — The selected shipping method was not available during order placement.

THREE_DS_CHALLENGE_EXPIRED — The shopper did not successfully complete the 3DS challenge before the challenge expired.

THREE_DS_CHALLENGE_REJECTED — The shopper did not successfully complete the 3DS challenge.

TIMEOUT — Order placement took too long and timed out. Note that the order might still end up being placed in the background by the marketplace.

UNAUTHENTICATED — We were unable to authenticate with the merchant during order placement.

UPSTREAM_SERVICE_ERROR — An error occurred when trying to communicate with an upstream service provider.

This error is usually temporary and can be resolved by retrying the operation.