The ShopifyVariant type allows Rye’s Sell Anything API to manage and display information about specific variants of Shopify products, such as their availability, pricing, and custom options.
The unique identifier for the Shopify product variant. This field is required.
The title of the Shopify product variant. This field is required.
Indicates whether the variant is available to be sold or not. Note that variants with negative inventory may still be available for sale depending on the Shopify variant’s inventory policy. This field is required.
The quantity of this variant available for purchase. This field will only be populated for integrated Shopify product variants, otherwise it will be null
The original price of the variant, which can be used to show the current price at a discount against this price.
The current price of the product variant.
Current price of the product in cents.
Indicates whether this product requires shipping, which can be used to distinguish between physical and digital products.
The product SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the variant.
Indicates whether taxes can be applied to this product.
The weight of the product in grams.
Additional options available for this product, usually representing extra customizations.
Additional options available for this product, usually representing extra customizations.
Additional options available for this product, usually representing extra customizations.
Related types
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